Do human rights make a difference to poor and vulnerable people? Accountability for the right to water in South Africa.


This chapter examines both the ideological currents underpinning the water debate in South Africa and its institutional, administrative and policy environment in order to understand the importance of accountability in realising the right to water. The chapter draws on empirical research conducted in 2002 and 2003. Interviews were conducted with NGO representatives, villagers, academics, policy makers and private sector representatives in Cape Town, Pretoria, Johannesburg and in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa.

Owing to copyright restrictions, only the first 3 pages are attached, together with a link to the book at Zed Books.


Mehta, L. Do human rights make a difference to poor and vulnerable people? Accountability for the right to water in South Africa. In: Rights, Resources and the Politics of Accountability.. Zed Books, London, (2006) ISBN 9781842775547

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Published 1 January 2006