Do cholera vaccines prevent cholera? Evidence Update, Other Infectious Diseases Series, February 2005


25 randomized or quasi-randomized controlled trials were conducted comparing cholera vaccines with placebo, control vaccines, or no intervention.Results indicate cholera vaccines can provide protection for populations living in endemic areas for up to 2 years following a single dose, and for 3 to 4 years with annual booster. There are little data on the effect of cholera vaccines in visitors to endemic areas. Further trials are needed to evaluate immunization for preventing cholera epidemics, to estimate the most effective dose of oral vaccine for children, and to compare new live oral vaccines with killed vaccines.

This Evidence Update was adapted from Graves P, Deeks J, Demicheli V, Pratt M, Jefferson T. Vaccines for preventing cholera. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2001, Issue 1. Art. No.: CD000974. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD000974.


Other Infectious Diseases Series Effective Health Care Alliance Programme, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine 2pp.

Do cholera vaccines prevent cholera? Evidence Update, Other Infectious Diseases Series, February 2005

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Published 1 January 2005