Dividend Policy and Shareholders’ Value: Evidence from Listed Companies in Ghana

This study examines the effect of dividend policy on shareholder value of listed companies in Ghana


This study examines the effect of dividend policy on shareholder value of listed companies in Ghana. It analyses the factors affecting dividend policy and how dividend policy affects shareholders’ value. Data from 2009 to 2014 financial reports of listed companies on the Ghana Stock Exchange were used.

This is an output from the ‘Delivering Inclusive Financial Development and Growth’ project


Ofori‐Sasu, D. , Abor, J. Y. and Osei, A. K. (2017), Dividend Policy and Shareholders’ Value: Evidence from Listed Companies in Ghana. African Development Review, 29: 293-304. doi:10.1111/1467-8268.12257

Dividend Policy and Shareholders’ Value: Evidence from Listed Companies in Ghana

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Published 7 June 2017