Distribution of Mikania and its economic impact on tea ecosystem of Assam.


Mikania micrantha a gregarious perennial fast growing herbaceous creeping vine possess a serious threat to tea production. Negative impacts of the weed include labour cost, reduction in yield of crop, loss of native biodiversity etc. An ecological survey to study the seasonal distribution and economic impact in terms of cost and profitability of tea cultivation was carried out during 2004-2005 in two sites viz., Cinnamora Tea Estate (CTE), Division: Hatigarh and Experimental garden for plantation crop (EGPC), Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat (Assam). The results of the present investigation showed highest population build up 2600 and 1000 numbers of Mikania stalks/ha during the month of September and August respectively in CTE and AAU. Study on economic impact of Mikania showed an adverse affects of it on tea cultivation in the surveyed area causing a loss of 41.8% and 18.90% respectively in CTE and EGPC.


Puzari, K.C.; Bhuyan, R.P.; Pranab Dutta; Nath, H.K.D. Distribution of Mikania and its economic impact on tea ecosystem of Assam. Indian Journal of Forestry (2010) 33 (1) 71-76.

Distribution of Mikania and its economic impact on tea ecosystem of Assam.

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Published 1 January 2010