Discussion Paper 15. New Qualified Teachers: Impact On/Interaction with the System (Trinidad and Tobago).


This study examined newly trained teachers' impact on and interaction with the educational system using qualitative methods, such as focus group interviews and classroom observations. The research questions were as follows: what are experienced teachers' perceptions of the value of the present Teachers' College programme; how are newly trained teachers socialised into school working cultures; and what happens to the knowledge and skills acquired at the Teachers' College. In general, it was found that the Teachers' College programme did not prepare them adequately for work in the school setting. Once they began work in their first post, their main interest was surviving the experience and doing what worked, so sometimes this led them to revert to traditional methods. Many held the belief that teachers were \"born\" rather than \"made\". However, despite these perceptions, it was possible to note the impact of training in systematic approaches to lesson planning, varied teaching styles, and an informed professional approach to the job. Many teachers expressed concern for the individual need of pupils and encouraging different talents in them, which could be partially attributed to training. Overall, the paper concludes that training had only a limited impact and many newly trained teachers maintained beliefs that they had held before they had entered training.


Sussex, UK: Centre for International Education, 29 pp.

Discussion Paper 15. New Qualified Teachers: Impact On/Interaction with the System (Trinidad and Tobago).

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Published 1 January 2000