DFID policy project: Mainstreaming disability in development: India country report


The research combined a desk review of documents with a 24-day field visit to India that included semi-structured key informant interviews, focus-group discussions with disabled people, home-based interviews with disabled individuals and family members, project field visits, and participation in the second Disability KaR programme roundtable on mainstreaming disability in development, held in Ahmedabad.

The report provides a summary of disability in India, examining the existing data on disability rates, prevalence and causes. It looks at disability in relation to poverty and social exclusion and it seeks to provide insight into the lives of disabled people, based largely on the interviews and focus group discussions with disabled people and small-scale research. The report also provides an examination of mainstreaming, highlighting some examples of best practice. Conclusions and recommendations are presented in the final section.

An 11-page executive summary is available as well as the full report.


Disability Knowledge and Research Programme, 61 pp.

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Published 1 January 2005