DFID-IDS Learning Event Report, December 2012: Understanding Health, Social Policy and Civil Society in the BRICS Countries


This document presents a summary of a series of meetings held at the DFID offices in London on 6 December 2012. The meetings, attended by DFID and IDS staff, constituted a learning event that aimed to communicate key IDS findings at this stage of the Rising Powers in International Development (RPID) programme. A number of presentations were delivered by IDS fellows, followed by general discussion.


Rising Powers in International Development (RPID) Programme. DFID-IDS Learning Event Report, December 2012: Understanding Health, Social Policy and Civil Society in the BRICS Countries. IDS, Brighton, UK (2013) 18 pp. [Evidence Report 33]

DFID-IDS Learning Event Report, December 2012: Understanding Health, Social Policy and Civil Society in the BRICS Countries

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Published 1 January 2013