Development of reliable transformation and transgene expression in cassava and genetic engineering for protection against ACMV and ICMV by the expression of DI DNAs in transgenic cassava plants. Final Technical Report.


The current project aims to develop a reliable transformation procedure for African cassava lines and to express \"defective interfering\" (DI) viral molecules derived from two major cassava viruses in order to engineer virus protection in the transgenic plants. A series of experiments were carried out to optimise the tissue culture and regeneration parameters from friable embryogenic cultures (FEC) and embryogenic suspensions of cassava. Bombardment of FEC with DI DNA, and regeneration via tissue culture led to the recovery of four transgenic plants. The latter stages of the project were hampered by the resignation of both the principle scientist, and the post doctoral worker. Despite this, the plants have been bulked-up by vegetative propagation and when large enough, will be transported to Dr John Stanley's laboratory at JIC for further analysis.


Development of reliable transformation and transgene expression in cassava and genetic engineering for protection against ACMV and ICMV by the expression of DI DNAs in transgenic cassava plants. Final Technical Report.

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Published 1 January 1999