Development in Polish communities: the results of a gmina survey


The purpose of this paper is to report the summary findings of a research exercise that attempted to get beneath the headline manifestations of differential development to understand more about the constraints and opportunities confronting local areas within Poland and how these vary across space. Central to this exercise and the case studies that were conducted to complement it was an effort to understand more about the role that social capital might have played in the past and could play in the future in explaining and potentially moderating inequality as the country embarks on a new epoch as a fully fledged EU Member State. After an introduction, the next section of the paper presents a review of the various notions of social capital that now permeate the literature. Section 3 introduces the questionnaire that underpinned the work and describes the survey methodology employed, with the findings being presented in Section 4. A summary and conclusion close the paper


Working Paper No. 9, 53 pp.

Development in Polish communities: the results of a gmina survey

Published 1 January 2005