Developing coalition approach to non-timber forest produce for better livelihooods of tribal communities of Madhya Pradesh. Project Final Report.


The project undertook five activities (1) Select and include partners including SHGs on an ongoing basis as needs arise, (2) Identify problems and opportunities with respect to NTFP and available resources with the tribal communities, (3) Adapt, field test and finalize technology and marketing prototypes to address the identified problems and opportunities, (4) Train appropriate community leaders, technology providers and market actors to continue the activities beyond the project period and (5) Share with Research and Development community; documented project lessons on institutional, technology and market development processes.


Chaturvedi, V.; Sanskar, T. Developing coalition approach to non-timber forest produce for better livelihooods of tribal communities of Madhya Pradesh. Project Final Report. (2004) 65 pp.

Developing coalition approach to non-timber forest produce for better livelihooods of tribal communities of Madhya Pradesh. Project Final Report.

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Published 1 January 2004