Desk study: Indus Floods Research Project


The catastrophic floods of 2010 in the Indus Basin were the largest in recorded history. The magnitude of the damages, losses and destruction forced water resource managers in general and the academic community in particular to re-examine and revisit the existing management regime in the Indus basin river system.

This report looks at flood impacts, flood response and flood reconstruction as it is reflected in a broad cross-section of print media. It comprises:

1. A meta-analysis of the published academic literature assessing the 2010 flood. The goal of this analysis was to understand what questions were being asked and studied about the floods where issues affecting resilience and vulnerability have been identified and where gaps remain.

2. A review of the grey literature to identify strengths and weaknesses of the on-the-ground disaster response flood management and recovery.

3. A review of response and recovery financing undertaken to assess whether the 2010 flood response had any relation to what the field study component of this project identified as crucial sectors geographical areas or specific populations required for fast recovery.

This report forms appendix 5 of the Final Technical Report of the Indus Floods Research Project.


Atta ur Rehman; Khan, F.; Moench, M.; Malik, S.; Sabbag, L.; MacClune, K. Desk study: Indus Floods Research Project. Institute for Social and Environmental Transition (ISET), Boulder, Colorado, USA (2013) 82 pp.

Desk study: Indus Floods Research Project

Published 1 January 2013