Designs for engineered resistance to root-parasitic nematodes


Nematodes cause annual losses of over US$100 billion to world agriculture. Control measures are inadequate, and are too heavily dependent on environmentally hazardous nematicides. Transgenic-plant technology offers a ‘green’ solution for controlling nematodes; such approaches can be safe for the producer, the consumer and the environment, and can benefit developed and developing countries. This type of approach requires promoters that direct a specific expression pattern for genes encoding effector proteins. Effectors may disrupt modification of the plant cell by the parasite, or act directly against the nematode. Valuable promoters have been identified, and the potential of both effector approaches has been demonstrated.


Atkinson, H.J.; Urwin, P.E.; Hansen, E.; McPherson, M.J. Designs for engineered resistance to root-parasitic nematodes. Trends in Biotechnology (1995) 13 (9) 369-374. [DOI: 10.1016/S0167-7799(00)88983-0]

Designs for engineered resistance to root-parasitic nematodes

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Published 1 January 1995