Designing concrete mixes using local materials (ADD033).


This manual provides practical guidance on how to produce durable concrete in rural environments using local materials. It is written as an aid to qualified engineers working in design offices. A companion pocket-size volume entitled Making Good Concrete is written for technicians working on construction sites and requiring more elementary guidance.

Guidance is provided for producing low to medium strength, durable concrete for mass and reinforced concrete structures. Account is taken of environmental conditions, the intended life span of the structure and its intended use. The importance of durability is explained and the different factors influencing it are described. There are sections on the constituent materials required for concrete; aggregates, cements, water and admixtures. There is also a section on alternative and replacement materials not usually recognised in Standards.

A number of example trial mixes are given and the background data are included to permit the user of this manual to proportion his own trial mixes.

Colour (6168 kb) and black and white (5091 kb) versions of this manual are available for download.


Gifford and Partners. Designing concrete mixes using local materials (ADD033). (1997)

Designing concrete mixes using local materials (ADD033).

Published 1 January 1997