Density-dependence and temporal plasticity of competitive interactions during utilisation of resources by a community of lepidopteran stemborer species

Maize stemborers are the most injurious biotic constraints to the production of maize in sub-Saharan Africa


Maize stemborers are the most injurious biotic constraints to the production of maize in sub-Saharan Africa

The authors studied the ability of 3 species of lepidopteran stemborers to survive and grow at specific larval densities, as well as how they control their competitive interactions over time. The study showed that survival and relative growth rate of the larvae were significantly higher at low-infestation levels when facing competition either from one species or all three species. The intensity of competition was slow among the species but gradually intensified as the duration of competition increased.

This is an output of the ‘Capacity Building for Science Education and Research Cooperation in Africa’ project of the Capacity Building and Institutional Development Programme. It was partly funded by the UK Department for International Development, a core donor of the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology.


Ntiri E.S., Calatayud P.-A., Van Den Berg J. and Le Ru B.P. (2017) Density-dependence and temporal plasticity of competitive interactions during utilisation of resources by a community of lepidopteran stemborer species. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 162, 272–283. doi: 10.1111/eea.12514.

Density-dependence and temporal plasticity of competitive interactions during utilisation of resources by a community of lepidopteran stemborer species

Published 31 January 2017