Delivering Safer Motherhood: Sharing the Evidence.


Immpact, a global research initiative, offers new evidence to move us closer to achieving MDG 5. Immpact's goal is to improve maternal health and survival in developing countries by providing rigorous evidence of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of safe motherhood strategies and their implications for equity and sustainability. The key messages presented here are the culmination of more than four years of Immpact research in Ghana, Burkina Faso, and Indonesia. Immpact provides:

  1. New and enhanced tools and methods for measuring maternal death and other safe motherhood indicators;
  2. Pioneering information to help design and implement safe motherhood strategies; and
  3. Strengthened capacity in developing countries for evaluation and evidence-based decision-making.


Delivering Safer Motherhood: Sharing the Evidence, Immpact, University of Aberdeen, UK, 8 pp.

Delivering Safer Motherhood: Sharing the Evidence.

Published 1 January 2007