Delay and attrition before treatment initiation among MDR-TB patients in five districts of Gujarat, India

The 5 selected districts are served by 2 genotypic drug susceptibility testing (DST) facilities and a drug-resistant TB centre


Although treatment initiation has been improving among patients diagnosed with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) in programme settings, it has still not reached 100%.

The objectives of this study: to determine pre-treatment attrition (not initiated on treatment within 6 months of diagnosis), delay in treatment initiation (>7 days from diagnosis) and associated factors among MDR-TB patients diagnosed in 2014 in 5 selected districts served by 2 genotypic drug susceptibility testing (DST) facilities and a drug-resistant TB centre in Gujarat.

This research was supported by the UK Department for International Development’s Operational Research Capacity Building Programme led by the International Union Against TB and Lung Disease (The Union)


Shewade HD, Shringarpure KS, Parmar M, Patel N, Kuriya S, Shihora S, Ninama N, Gosai N, Khokhariya R, Popat C, Thanki H, Modi B, Dave P, Baxi RK, Kumar AM V. Delay and attrition before treatment initiation among MDR-TB patients in five districts of Gujarat, India. Public Health Action [Internet]. 2018;8(2):59–65. Available from:

Delay and attrition before treatment initiation among MDR-TB patients in five districts of Gujarat, India

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Published 21 June 2018