Decreased ability of Pasteuria penetrans spores to attach to successive generations of Meloidogyne javanica


The decreasing ability to attach of Pasteuria penetrans spores on a field population of Meloidogyne javanica from Malawi and single egg mass lines of the same species from Crete was recorded in the laboratory. When the bacterial parasite does not provide sufficient control of the nematode, a selection of Pasteuria penetrans spores with high attachrnent potential against the target nematode might be an alternative for delaying the decrease of spore attachment ability.


Goumas, D.A.; Gowen, S.R.; Tzortzakakis, E.A. Decreased ability of Pasteuria penetrans spores to attach to successive generations of Meloidogyne javanica. Fundamental and applied nematology (1996) 19 (2) 201-204.

Decreased ability of Pasteuria penetrans spores to attach to successive generations of Meloidogyne javanica

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Published 1 January 1996