Dealing with Land Issues and Conflict in Eastern Congo: towards an integrated and participatory approach. Report on the seminar held in Brussels on 20-21 September 2012.


This report presents the main conclusions of a seminar on land governance and conflict in eastern DRC that was organised by the Conflict Research Group (University of Ghent), Egmont Institute, Humanity United and DfID. The seminar engaged with the growing interest in land issues and brought 45 experts, policy-makers, donors and practitioners together to critically reflect on what is needed for the development of a long-term and comprehensive land policy in eastern DRC.


Vlassenroot, K. (Editor) Dealing with Land Issues and Conflict in Eastern Congo: towards an integrated and participatory approach. Report on the seminar held in Brussels on 20-21 September 2012. (2014) 16 pp.

Dealing with Land Issues and Conflict in Eastern Congo: towards an integrated and participatory approach. Report on the seminar held in Brussels on 20-21 September 2012.

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Published 1 January 2014