Cultural mediation through vernacularization: framing rights claims through the day-off campaign for migrant domestic workers in Singapore

Analyses the day-off campaign for migrant domestic workers in Singapore


The authors demonstrate that by employing the cultural mediation strategy of vernacularization, civil society was able to frame migrant rights claims in a manner that resonated with Singapore institutions and society.

This work has been funded by UK Aid from the UK government through the Migrating out of Poverty Research Programme Consortium; however the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the UK government’s official policies.


Koh, C. Y., Wee, K., Goh, C. and Yeoh, B. S.A. (2017), Cultural mediation through vernacularization: framing rights claims through the day-off campaign for migrant domestic workers in Singapore. Int Migr, 55: 89–104. doi:10.1111/imig.12332

Cultural mediation through vernacularization: framing rights claims through the day-off campaign for migrant domestic workers in Singapore Subscription may be required to access

Published 21 March 2017