Cost-Effectiveness in Humanitarian Aid and Development: Resilience Programming

This review shows a gap in the literature of providing conclusive evidence about the cost-effectiveness of resilience-related responses.


The results of the review show a gap in the literature in terms of providing conclusive evidence/data and analysis about the cost-effectiveness of resilience-related responses. Most of the reports, papers, briefs and notes that were reviewed tend to make normative assertions as to how important is to provide humanitarian assistance early enough, and to direct efforts towards helping to protect, restore and improve livelihood systems with the objective of building resilience for populations that experienced humanitarian disasters.

K4D helpdesk reports provide summaries of current research, evidence and lessons learned. This report was commissioned by the UK Department for International Development.


Manis, A. (2018). Cost-effectiveness in humanitarian aid and development: Resilience programming. K4D Helpdesk. Brighton, UK: Institute of Development Studies

Cost-Effectiveness in Humanitarian Aid and Development: Resilience Programming

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Published 4 October 2018