Corruption and the Private Sector: a review of the issues.

Corruption has been identified as one of the most important constraints to private sector


Corruption has been identified as one of the most important constraints to private sector development. This report explores the effects of public sector corruption on private firms and seeks to answer the following questions:

  • How does corruption impede the growth of the private sector?
  • What forms of corruption are most harmful to business and how are different types/sizes of businesses affected differently by these forms?
  • In what ways can the private sector facilitate or engender corrupt practices and how do they gain from this, especially at high political levels?
  • What evidence is there that the private sector can help to reduce the existence of corruption and under what conditions is this likely to happen?


Forgues-Puccio, G.F. Corruption and the Private Sector: a review of the issues. (2013) 23 pp.

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Published 1 January 2013