Control of Foreign Fisheries Research Report: The Construction of a Model to Optimise Benefits to Coastal State Developing Countries from the Control of Foreign Fishing.


This project proposes a major study of the ways in which distant water fishing fleets and developing coastal states have responded to controlled access fishing. Maximising benefits from resources contained with the EEZs of developing countries forms the backbone of the study. The study uses mathematical bioeconomic analysis and optimal control to investigate the relationship between the potential benefits of foreign vessel licensing and the prerequisites to effective fisheries resource management notably the cost of monitoring, control and surveillance. These findings are considered in relation to national fishery development.


Fisheries Management Science Programme, Overseas Development Administration, London, UK, 87 pp.

Control of Foreign Fisheries Research Report: The Construction of a Model to Optimise Benefits to Coastal State Developing Countries from the Control of Foreign Fishing.

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Published 1 January 1993