Contraceptive switching in Bangladesh.


Bangladesh has experienced a substantial decline in fertility that has been achieved by means of a large increase in the use of modern methods of contraception. As contraceptive prevalence increases, aspects of contraceptive-use dynamics, including reasons for discontinuation and behavior after discontinuation, become important influences on fertility. This report uses calendar data from the 1993–94 Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey to examine contraceptive behavior following discontinuation of modern-method use. The individual-level characteristics found to influence switching behavior include the method used, method-related difficulties with previous contraceptive use, and education. A large amount of unexplained variation in switching rates remains, however, largely at the individual level, but also at the community level for certain types of transition.


Studies in Family Planning (1999) 30 (4) 315-328 [DOI: 10.1111/j.1728-4465.1999.t01-3-.x]

Contraceptive switching in Bangladesh.

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Published 1 January 1999