Constructing citizenship without a licence: the struggle of undocumented immigrants in the USA for livelihoods and recognition


This chapter tells the story of a legislative campaign mounted by immigrants and their allies in Tennessee, a state in the southeastern USA that has experienced a dramatic new wave of low-wage labour migration from Latin America. The campaign fought successfully for access to a state-issued driver’s licence for people who could not produce proof of lawful presence in the USA.

Owing to copyright restrictions, only the first 3 pages are attached, together with a link to the book at Zed Books.


Ansley, F. Constructing citizenship without a licence: the struggle of undocumented immigrants in the USA for livelihoods and recognition. In: Inclusive Citizenship: Meanings and Expressions. N Kabeer (ed.). Zed Books, London, UK (2005) ISBN 9781842775486

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Published 1 January 2005