Constraints and solutions for groundwater development, supply and governance in urban areas in Kenya

This research is based on a 5 town case study cohort in Kenya


Based on a 5 town case study cohort in Kenya, a conceptual framework has been developed to enable the formulation of holistic and effective strategies that encompass the national aspirations and regional to global sustainability agendas, and which can be used to monitor progress in achieving set objectives. The objective was to consider governance and management solutions that could promote water security for urban towns in Kenya through the sustainable use of groundwater in the context of its complex hydrogeology, water access disparities, competing uses and future risks.

This is an output from the REACH ‘Improving Water Security for the Poor’ programme


Olago, D. (2018). Constraints and solutions for groundwater development, supply and governance in urban areas in Kenya. Hydrogeology Journal. May 2019, Volume 27, Issue 3, pp 1031–1050/10.1007/s10040-018-1895-y

Constraints and solutions for groundwater development, supply and governance in urban areas in Kenya

Published 15 December 2018