Congressional Malaria & NTD Caucus Briefing: Controlling Deadly Neglected Tropical Diseases: Opportunities to Expand the U.S. Impact


On 22nd February 2010, DNDi, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) and RTI International held a briefing in Washington, D.C., USA to inform members of the US Congress about neglected tropical diseases (NTDs), in particular those where effective tools are not yet available and which were omitted from the US government's plan to spend money on other NTDs which do have effective tools for their treatment. Mary Linehan of RTI described how her organization had previously spent US government money to good effect on the latter group of diseases; Francois Chappuis of MSF and and Manica Balasegaram of DNDi described four important omitted diseases (sleeping sickness, visceral leishmaniasis, Chagas' disease and Buruli ulcer) and the importance of including them (including research to find new tools). A transcript of the briefing is available.


Anon. Congressional Malaria & NTD Caucus Briefing: Controlling Deadly Neglected Tropical Diseases: Opportunities to Expand the U.S. Impact. (2010)

Congressional Malaria & NTD Caucus Briefing: Controlling Deadly Neglected Tropical Diseases: Opportunities to Expand the U.S. Impact

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Published 1 January 2010