Compelling Reason for Local Action: Climate Risk Reduction and adaptation in Lao PDR


Climate risks pose a significant threat to the food security and livelihoods of small-scale subsistence farmers in Lao PDR. The heaviest crop losses can occur during the mid-year dry spell and the late-season rainfall and floods. In recent years, greater variability in the amount and distribution of rainfall is also causing losses to agricultural production.

This policy brief assesses climate risks for small-scale farmers in Lao PDR, their vulnerability, response strategies and adaptive capacity. It proposes some recommendations for the local government offices at the provincial and district levels to: develop a policy framework and program of action for disaster risk management and climate change adaptation; emphasize climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction and management in local development plans; focus on capacity building, training and education; raise farmers’ awareness and enhance their adaptive capacity; and provide alternative livelihoods.


Anon. Compelling Reason for Local Action: Climate Risk Reduction and adaptation in Lao PDR. (2014) 3 pp. [Sustainable Mekong Research Network Policy Brief]

Compelling Reason for Local Action: Climate Risk Reduction and adaptation in Lao PDR

Published 1 January 2014