Community relations and the Bibyana gas field : a discussion document


Whilst at a global level Corporate Social Responsibility is common practice amongst many multinational corporations, the programme of work initiated by Chevron in the communities surrounding the Bibyana gas field is the first project of its kind in Bangladesh. Much of this work has made a positive contribution to the communities involved, but – as with all development and community work – there are lessons to be learnt. We believe that CSR (or \"Community Engagement\" as it is termed by Chevron) has the potential for poverty alleviation in Bangladesh, and in this spirit offer this short discussion paper in the hope that our reflections, drawn from our research, might be of use for Chevron in the further development of its programmes, both in Bibyana and elsewhere. We also hope that our work might contribute to national debates surrounding natural resource extraction in Bangladesh.


Gardner, K.; Ahmed, Z.; Rana, M.; Bashir, F. Community relations and the Bibyana gas field : a discussion document. (2010) 20 pp.

Community relations and the Bibyana gas field : a discussion document

Published 1 January 2010