Community-based MDR-TB care project improves treatment initiation in patients diagnosed with MDR-TB in Myanmar

The Union in collaboration with national TB programme started the community-based MDR-TB care project in 33 townships


The Union in collaboration with national TB programme (NTP) started the community-based MDR-TB care (CBMDR-TBC) project in 33 townships of upper Myanmar to improve treatment initiation and treatment adherence. Patients with MDR-TB diagnosed/registered under NTP received support through the project staff, in addition to the routine domiciliary care provided by NTP staff. Each township had a project nurse exclusively for MDR-TB and 30 USD per month (max. for 4 months) were provided to the patient as a pre-treatment support.

This research was supported by the UK Department for International Development’s Operational Research Capacity Building Programme led by the International Union Against TB and Lung Disease (The Union)


Wai PP, Shewade HD, Kyaw NTT, Thein S, Si Thu A, Kyaw KWY, Aye NN, Phyo AM, Maung HMW, Soe KT, Aung ST. Community-based MDR-TB care project improves treatment initiation in patients diagnosed with MDR-TB in Myanmar. PLoS One [Internet]. 2018;13(3):e0194087. Available from:

Community-based MDR-TB care project improves treatment initiation in patients diagnosed with MDR-TB in Myanmar

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Published 29 March 2018