Commentary: Community interventions for maternal and perinatal health


Maternal mortality ratios (MMRs)in the least developed countries have hardly chanaged over the past decade, and in 12 African countries the MMR has actually risen since 1990. Safe motherhood policy is largely on improving skilled attendance at delivery and access to emergency obstetric care in hospitals, but many countries are far from achieving the skilled attendance goal. Programmes simply do not reach the poorest househllkds, and a stuy of over 40 countries reports that the largest coverage inequalities in health service provision are for attended deliveries.


Barnett, S.; Nair, N.; Lewycka, S.; Costello, A. COMMENTARY: Community interventions for maternal and perinatal health. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (2005) 112 (9) 1170-1173. [DOI: 10.1111/j.1471-0528.2005.00717.x]

Commentary: Community interventions for maternal and perinatal health

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Published 1 January 2005