Collaborative Research Programme on Highway Engineering Materials in the SADC Region. Volume 4.

Establishment of Information Systems for Managing Road Construction Material Resources in Southern Africa.


The project objective was to create a system in which data on the location and use of road building materials could be held and accessed centrally by computer. This report details the development of the materials inventory for Zimbabwe and Malawi, database queries and interrogation, management of materials inventories and the values of materials inventories.


Gourley, CS and Greening, PAK (1999). Collaborative Research Programme on Highway Engineering Materials in the SADC Region. Volume 4. Establishment of Information Systems for Managing Road Construction Material Resources in Southern Africa. Transport Research Laboratory (TRL)

Collaborative Research Programme on Highway Engineering Materials in the SADC Region. Volume 4. Establishment of Information Systems for Managing Road Construction Material Resources in Southern Africa.

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Published 1 January 1999