CLP's influence on dowry and violence against women on the chars


In April 2014, CLP conducted research on dowry (the transfer of parental property to a daughter at her marriage) and domestic physical violence against women (VAW) on the chars. A qualitative research methods approach was used, through Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and In-depth Interviews (IDI), with CLP core participants (all of whom are female) and male and female members of the community. This report examines ways in which CLP can help reduce the levels of VAW.


Haneef, C.; Kenward, S.; Hannan, M.; Rahman, M.; Halder, P. CLP’s influence on dowry and violence against women on the chars. Chars Livelihood Programme, (2014) 16 pp.

CLP’s influence on dowry and violence against women on the chars

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Published 1 January 2014