Climate shocks, food and nutrition security: Evidence from the Young Lives cohort study


Many people living in poor communities in Ethiopia, Andhra Pradesh (India), Peru and Vietnam experience climatic shocks such as droughts and floods, and many face episodes of food insecurity. To understand better the links between the two types of shocks, Oxfam commissioned research from the Young Lives international cohort study of childhood poverty. Experience of floods is strongly associated with worsening food security in Peru and Vietnam. Previous episodes of food insecurity are also strong predictors of future food insecurity. The linkages between climatic shocks and childhood stunting are less clear cut.


Dornan, P.; Ogando Portela, M.J.; Pells, K. Climate shocks, food and nutrition security: Evidence from the Young Lives cohort study. (2014) 56 pp. [Oxfam Research Report]

Climate shocks, food and nutrition security: Evidence from the Young Lives cohort study

Published 1 January 2014