CHIP Report 14: Poverty among children in urban China: A survey of poverty-affected families in three cities


Based on research with 900 households in 3 Chinese cities, this report examines the situation of poor families and the implications for their children. It focuses particularly on families of laid-off workers and rural-urban migrants and children's health and educational prospects. Though all families interviewed valued education highly, migrant children's access to education is compromised by the additional fees payable by migrants. 45 per cent of poor urban families cannot afford to obtain 'user-pays' vaccinations for their children. The report concludes with recommendations of ways to boost family livelihoods, enhance children's access to health and education services and address the specific problems facing rural-urban migrants.


Wei, C., Benyon, L., Maher, K. (2005) CHIP Report 14: Poverty among children in urban China: A survey of poverty-affected families in three cities. Childhood Poverty Research and Policy Centre (CHIP), London, UK, ISBN: 1-904922-17-1, viii + 62 pp.

CHIP Report 14: Poverty among children in urban China: A survey of poverty-affected families in three cities

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Published 1 January 2005