Children’s representations of school support for HIV-affected peers in rural Zimbabwe

This study explores children’s accounts of the challenges facing their HIV-affected peers and the role of schools in providing support


HIV has left many African children caring for sick relatives, orphaned or themselves HIV-positive, often facing immense challenges in the absence of significant support from adults. With reductions in development funding, public sector budgetary constraints, and a growing emphasis on the importance of indigenous resources in the HIV response, international policy allocates schools a key role in ‘substituting for families’ (Ansell, 2008) in supporting child health and well-being. This study explores children’s own accounts of the challenges facing their HIV-affected peers and the role of schools in providing such support.


Campbell, C.; Andersen, L.; Mutsikiwa, A.; Madanhire, C.; Skovdal, M.; Nyamukapa, C.; Gregson, S. Children’s representations of school support for HIV-affected peers in rural Zimbabwe. BMC Public Health (2014) 14 (1) 402. [DOI: 10.1186/1471-2458-14-402]

Children’s representations of school support for HIV-affected peers in rural Zimbabwe

Published 1 January 2014