Chickpea, an orphan crop with potential for dry areas. Validated RNRRS Output.


This is one of 280 summaries describing key outputs from the projects run by DFID's 10-year Renewable Natural Resources Research Strategy (RNRRS) programmes.

Western India is prone to droughts. Chickpeas recommended for this area were developed for irrigated land so farmers tend not to grow them. They stuck with old varieties or just let their land lie fallow. But farmers have helped choose drought-tolerant chickpeas that mature early. These are now grown on land that otherwise would not be cultivated after the rainy season crop of rice. Farmers only had small amounts of seed of the new varieties to test. They save seed of varieties they like because, although farmer demand for the new varieties is strong, their preferences have very little influence on national seed production. So although there is a huge potential for improved chickpea it is still an 'orphan' crop.

The CD has the following information for this output:Description, Validation, Current Situation, Current Promotion, Impacts On Poverty, Environmental Impact, Annex. Attached PDF (14 pp.) taken from the CD.


PSP07, New technologies, new processes, new policies: tried-and-tested and ready-to-use results from DFID-funded research, Research Into Use Programme, Aylesford, Kent, UK, ISBN 978-0-9552595-6-2, p 16.

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Published 1 January 2007