Charcoal production in the Mopane woodlands of Mozambique: what are the trade-offs with other ecosystem services?

This study examines charcoal production scenarios in Gaza Province, southern Mozambique


African woodlands form a major part of the tropical grassy biome and support the livelihoods of millions of rural and urban people. Charcoal production in particular is a major economic activity, but its impact on other ecosystem services is little studied. To address this, our study collected biophysical and social datasets, which were combined in ecological production functions, to assess ecosystem service provision and its change under different charcoal production scenarios in Gaza Province, southern Mozambique.

This research was supported by the Ecosystem Services for Poverty Alleviation (ESPA) programme


Woolen, E., Ryan, C.M., Baumert, S., Vollmer, F., Grundy, I., Fisher, J., Fernando, J., Luz, A., Ribeiro, N., Lisboa, S.N., Charcoal production in the Mopane woodlands of Mozambique: what are the trade-offs with other ecosystem services?, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B - Biological Sciences, vol.371, 2016

Charcoal production in the Mopane woodlands of Mozambique: what are the trade-offs with other ecosystem services?

Published 1 August 2016