Characteristics of Users of Reproductive Health Services in Kenya: Who Are We Serving?


The aim of the study was to address the question of whether a sample of Marie Stopes reproductive health clinics are serving all sectors of their local population by examining how their clients reflect the characteristics of the local population, both socio-economically and demographically. The focus was on individual and household characteristics, on the distance travelled to clinics, on the reasons for attending the services and on any barriers to use either in terms of cost or in terms of knowledge of the services. The study took place in and around 3 clinics and involved exit interviews, household surveys and focus groups, with all the fieldwork being conducted between April and August 2002. The characteristics of clinic users, reasons for choosing Marie Stopes and attitudes to services are briefly reported. The services offered by the clinics were seen by clients to be of high quality and delivered by staff who are well qualified. However it is also clear that the poor are not accessing the clinics in this study, largely due to cost.


University of Southampton. Characteristics of Users of Reproductive Health Services in Kenya: Who Are We Serving? (2003) Opportunities and Choices Factsheet 28, 2 pp.

Characteristics of Users of Reproductive Health Services in Kenya: Who Are We Serving?

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Published 1 January 2003