Characteristics and treatment outcomes of tuberculosis patients who "transfer-in" to health facilities in Harare City, Zimbabwe: a descriptive cross-sectional study.


Zimbabwe is among the 22 Tuberculosis (TB) high burden countries worldwide and runs a well-established, standardized recording and reporting system on case finding and treatment outcomes. During TB treatment, patients transfer-out and transfer-in to different health facilities, but there are few data from any national TB programmes about whether this process happens and if so to what extent. The aim of this study therefore was to describe the characteristics and outcomes of TB patients that transferred into Harare City health department clinics under the national TB programme. Specific objectives were to determine i. the proportion of a cohort of TB patients registered as transfer-in, ii. the characteristics and treatment outcomes of these transfer-in patients and iii. whether their treatment outcomes had been communicated back to their respective referral districts after completion of TB treatment.


Takarinda, KC.; Harries, AD.; Mutasa-Apollo, T.; Sandy, C.; Mugurungi, O. Characteristics and treatment outcomes of tuberculosis patients who “transfer-in” to health facilities in Harare City, Zimbabwe: a descriptive cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health (2012) 12 (1) 981. [DOI: 10.1186/1471-2458-12-981]

Characteristics and treatment outcomes of tuberculosis patients who "transfer-in" to health facilities in Harare City, Zimbabwe: a descriptive cross-sectional study.

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Published 1 January 2012