CGIAR Challenge Program on Water and Food. Synthesis 2006.


This synthesis document is largely based on first call competitive grant project reports submitted in late 2006. In many ways it differs from its 2005 predecessor, which analyzed and described in some detail the following:

• The conceptual frameworks adopted by the five themes
• The goals, objectives, and research questions for each theme, and how these relate to specific issues or problem areas
• The subject matter addressed by each CP project, and progress made by the end of 2005 in launching project activities
• The distribution of projects across themes and basins, some apparent imbalances in this distribution, and implications for the coherence of the CP agenda
• CP achievements with regard to process (vision, design and implementation) and substance (technologies, policies and information)

Like the 2005 synthesis report, this document uses a thematic orientation in describing and synthesizing progress being made by different projects. It describes these projects in greater detail, however. Projects have had an additional full year to operate and the present report tries to take advantage of the flood of new information now emerging. In addition, it discusses Basin Focal Projects, Program investments in capacity-building, and selected non-project activities, e.g., the International Forum on Water and Food.

The 2006 document calls attention to opportunities for closer integration across themes, and between themes and Basin Focal Projects. Opportunities are identified in the areas of innovation systems and scaling out; understanding and managing downstream and cross-scale consequences of innovation; the sustainability of institutional innovations; and the effectiveness of water-related interventions to address questions of poverty and food security.


The CGIAR Challenge Program on Water and Food, Colombo, Sri Lanka. 93 pp.

CGIAR Challenge Program on Water and Food. Synthesis 2006.

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Published 1 January 2007