Case studies: Management - Organization [Practical Guide to Mainstreaming Gender in Water Projects].


This group of 25 case studies that have been collected under the heading 'Management - Organization' form part of a project on mainstreaming gender in water projects to bring issues of social exclusion in the practical development of infrastructure in low-income countries into the core of project planning and design. They have been kept short and edited slightly to bring out the engineering issues. Topics covered are: Credit facilities; Setting up a water committee; Practical action for female engineers; Working hours; Working with project partners; Practising what is preached; Linking the engineering and social development activities; Management of design; The future - beyond efficiency; Restrictions on information gathering placed by funding agencies; Lack of involvement; Begin as you mean to go on; Data collection; Group dynamics; Training course content to suit a range of backgrounds; Allocating tasks; The need for time and money as well as enthusiasm; Imbalances within the notion of Community Participation; Training course hours; Unequal take up of training programmes; Women effectively excluded from management positions; Meaningful participation?; Tools - the gap between policy and practice; Women make successful office holders of water committees; and Making women's needs an integral part of a project.


WEDC, Loughborough, UK, 31 pp.

Case studies: Management - Organization [Practical Guide to Mainstreaming Gender in Water Projects].

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Published 1 January 2001