Byelaws and local policies analysis for improved natural resources management in the highlands of Kabale, Uganda. Annex E of the Final Technical Report for project R7856.


Firstly this report presents the methodology for participatory byelaws analysis, and describes the institutional and policy framework of the study setting, and the methods for data collection. An historical account is then given of the byelaws from colonial administration to the recent decentralisation in Uganda, based on relevant records and archives from the Kigezi highlands. The process of formulating byelaws is reviewed and there is a detailed account of the various regulations under the soil and water conservation byelaw, the food security, bush burning, tree planting, and swamp reclamation byelaws. Farmers' knowledge and the effectiveness of byelaws are assessed and the report discusses those byelaws which are effective and those which are weak or not effective, the reasons for their effectiveness, and the problems in enforcing the byelaws. The last section of the report discusses recommendations for making byelaws more effective based on respondents' perspectives and other findings from the study. Finally, the report concludes with some implications for policy, research and development for improving the effectiveness and relevance of byelaws to regulate and improve sustainable management of natural resources.


Sanginga, P., Muhanguzi, G. and Kamugisha, R. 2003. Byelaws and local policies analysis for improved natural resources management in the highlands of Kabale, Uganda. Annex E of the Final Technical Report for project R7856, ‘Strengthening social capital for improving policies and decision-making in NRM’. Kampala, Uganda: CIAT - African Highlands Initiative. 59 pp.

Byelaws and local policies analysis for improved natural resources management in the highlands of Kabale, Uganda. Annex E of the Final Technical Report for project R7856.

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Published 1 January 2003