Better Nitrogen Nutrition Results in Enhanced Uptake, Transport and Grain Deposition of Zinc in Wheat


Biofortification of wheat with Zn in order to alleviate the associated health problems is a global challenge. Based on the hypothesis that nitrogen (N) nutrition may affect the transporter proteins and other nitrogenous molecules which are involved in root uptake, root-to-shoot transport, remobilization and grain accumulation as well as grain localization of Zn, the potential of N fertilization in biofortification of wheat grain was investigated.


Kutman, U.B.; Yildiz, B.; Erenoglu, E.B.; Ceylan, Y.; Cakmak, I. Better Nitrogen Nutrition Results in Enhanced Uptake, Transport andGrain Deposition of Zinc in Wheat. Presented at 3rd International Zinc Symposium on ‘Improving Crop Production and Human Health’, Hyderabad, India, 10-14 October 2011. (2011) 2 pp.

Better Nitrogen Nutrition Results in Enhanced Uptake, Transport and Grain Deposition of Zinc in Wheat

Published 1 January 2011