Belize case study: Fisheries advisory board in the context of integrated coastal management. A summary of lessons learnt.


In this document we present the conclusions or lessons learnt about co-management based on the Barbados FAC case study. The lessons learnt are presented under headings which represent the key characteristics of successful co-management institutional arrangements. Emphasis is placed on understanding the conditions for successful co-management as perceived by the stakeholders at the case study research sites. Effort was also directed towards promoting the uptake of concepts and practices that may lead to co-management success. The main local partners in this case were the Fisheries Department and Belize Fishermen's Cooperative Association (BFCA). They assisted in mobilising past and present FAB members to participate in focus groups and workshops that examined all dimensions of the socio-economic and institutional analysis. Group activities were supplemented by semi-structured interviews with key informants and very brief questionnaires to obtain background information.


Parsaram, K. and McConney, P. 2004. Belize case study: Fisheries advisory board in the context of integrated coastal management. A summary of lessons learnt. Barbados: Caribbean Conservation Association. 10 pp.

Belize case study: Fisheries advisory board in the context of integrated coastal management. A summary of lessons learnt.

Published 1 January 2004