Barbados case study: The fisheries advisory committee. A summary of lessons learnt.


This summary of lessons learnt was developed from the Barbados case study: the Fisheries Advisory Committee, Caribbean Coastal Co-management Guidelines Project, Caribbean Conservation Association as an output of Experiment 2: Testing co-management tools and messages for Training Natural Resource Users and Managers, which forms part of the DFID funded research project \"Pro-poor Policies and Institutional Arrangements for Coastal Management in the Caribbean. The goal of the project was to ensure that integrated coastal management Research in the Caribbean is promoted and benefits those who depend on the resources of coastal areas, especially where there is poverty. The purpose was to test the uptake of products of a previous DFID funded project R8134: Caribbean Coastal co-management guidelines, focussing on establishing and sustaining successful co-management of coastal resources in the Caribbean. This summary of lessons learnt is aimed at the users and managers of coastal resources in the Caribbean and will be most useful for teaching students with an undergraduate degree or training others with some prior experience in coastal resource management.


Parsaram, K. and McConney, P. 2004. Barbados case study: The fisheries advisory committee. A summary of lessons learnt. Barbados: Caribbean Conservation Association. 10 pp.

Barbados case study: The fisheries advisory committee. A summary of lessons learnt.

Published 1 January 2005