Back Analysis of Previous Constructed Low Volume Rural Roads in Mozambique


This is the Final Report for the Back Analysis Project. which sought to evaluate the performance of low volume roads constructed 10 years ago and earlier. The report provides information on the activities carried out and the data that was collected during the execution of the project.

The report gives a brief on the preliminary activities and the reconnaissance surveys carried out during the early stages of the project. More details of these early stages are given in the Inception Report.

The report also gives a detailed account of the field surveys particularly the data that was collected from the measurements carried out in the field and the materials tests results.

Finally, the report provides results of the analysis and the recommendations and conclusions from the results of the analysis.


Rolt, J.; Mukura, K.; Dangare, F.; Otto, A. Back Analysis of Previous Constructed Low Volume Rural Roads in Mozambique. (2013) 100 pp.

Back Analysis of Previous Constructed Low Volume Rural Roads in Mozambique

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Published 1 January 2013