Assignment Report: Donor Approaches to Risk in Fragile and Conflict Affected States. Case Study: Democratic Republic of Congo


This study aims to provide country level evidence on the approaches used by donors in risk assessment and management. The study is based on interviews carried out in Kinshasa during the week of 25 March 2013 and subsequent discussions by email and telephone. The interviews were mainly directed at multilateral and bilateral donor agencies, but also included discussions with NGOs. Contacts with government representatives are actively being pursued in order to complete this case study.

This case study is divided into two parts. The first part discusses broad donor responses to risk in DRC. This includes a profile of main types of risk confronting donors in DRC, analysis of how these risks are reflected in donor programming, and explanations of these responses to risk. The second and more substantial part discusses practical approaches to risk management observed in DRC. Three approaches are highlighted in this case study including: (1) approaches to managing conflict risk, (2) approaches to managing the risks of using country systems including the opportunities provided by the Busan New Deal, and (3) approaches to managing security risks.


Williams, G. Assignment Report: Donor Approaches to Risk in Fragile and Conflict Affected States. Case Study: Democratic Republic of Congo. The Policy Practice Limited, Brighton, UK (2013) 20 pp.

Assignment Report: Donor Approaches to Risk in Fragile and Conflict Affected States. Case Study: Democratic Republic of Congo

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Published 1 January 2013