Asset management procedures for irrigation schemes: preliminary guidelines for the preparation of an asset


The Guidelines provide a framework for those who wish to apply asset management planning to irrigation infrastructure. They are presented in three parts:

Part I sets out the concepts and their origins in the UK Water industry.

Part II describes the application of asset management planning to irrigation and sets out procedures for the production and use of an Asset Management Plan (AMP).

Part III reflects on the benefits of the AMP, how these can be maintained and the practicalities of implementation.

The approach to producing an Asset Management Plan is set out as a series of inter-related steps, each of which is outlined and discussed with background information, recommendations and examples or illustrations, wherever possible, from the experiences of the field trial.

The steps are:

  • defining systems and function

  • stratified random sampling

  • establishing the environmental, legal and development context

  • assessing system performance - achieved levels of service, how these fit with present and future requirements and what infrastructure adjustments are needed

  • studying management and operations - a parallel review of the organisation and its procedures

  • doing an asset survey - their extent, value and the liabilities they represent

  • building the Cost Model - analysis of historical Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) and Operational Expenditure (OPEX) as a basis for future projections.


132 pp.

Asset management procedures for irrigation schemes: preliminary guidelines for the preparation of an asset

Published 1 January 1995