APPP Policy Brief 7. Religion and education reform in Africa: Harnessing religious values to developmental ends


The Africa Power and Politics (APPP) Religious Education research stream has examined recent reform efforts to address education policy failure in three countries of the Sahel – Mali, Niger and Senegal – by harnessing the strength of popular religiosity. In these three overwhelmingly Muslim countries, major initiatives of the past decade have sought to make schools more attractive to parents by incorporating elements into schooling that reflect Muslim values and expectations and ensure training for future employment. APPP research on these initiatives is summarised.


Villalón, L.A.; Tidjani-Alou, M. APPP Policy Brief 7. Religion and education reform in Africa:Harnessing religious values to developmental ends. Africa Power and Politics Programme (APPP), Overseas Development Institute, London, UK (2012) 4 pp. [Available in English and French]

Published 1 January 2012