APPP Background Paper 12. Le transport a deux vitesses: gares routieres au Senegal. [Transport has two speeds: bus stations in Senegal].


One theme of APPP research aims to provide \"data on how including governance trends can be effective at the local level to repair deficiencies in the issuing of public goods.\" This report focuses on that aspect that facilitates economic enterprises and markets. The survey was specifically focused on the study of bus stations and their management.


Cissokho, S. APPP Background Paper 12. Le transport a deux vitesses: gares routieres au Senegal. [Transport has two speeds: bus stations in Senegal]. (2012) 60 pp. In French.

APPP Background Paper 12. Le transport a deux vitesses: gares routieres au Senegal. [Transport has two speeds: bus stations in Senegal].

Published 1 January 2012